
The mass flow simulation tool

Current version: r.avaflow 4.0 Revision 6 Release: 20240920

r.avaflow represents a GIS-supported open source software tool for the simulation of complex, cascading mass flows of maximum three phases over arbitrary topography. It employs the NOC-TVD numerical scheme (Wang et al., 2004) along with a Voellmy-type model, with a simplified version of the Pudasaini multi-phase flow model (Pudasaini and Mergili, 2019), or with an equilibrium-of-motion model for flows which are not extremely rapid. Specific functionalities include entrainment, deformation control, fragmentation, dispersion, and phase transformations. The starting mass may be defined through raster maps and/or hydrographs. r.avaflow includes the possibility to explore multi-core computing environments to run multiple simulations at once as a basis for parameter sensitivity analysis and optimization. Further, the simulation results are visualized through maps and diagrams, and input for 3D and immersive virtual reality visualization is generated.



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Learn about the complementary tool r.lakefill, automatically installed with r.avaflow 4.0G.



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Be aware that the application of computer models in the field of natural hazards is highly critical. All tools, data, and manuals were prepared with utmost care and with the purpose to be useful - however, they may still contain mistakes of various types. Further, even the best models only produce a distorted and generalized view of reality. Their interpretation requires (i) extreme care, (ii) a detailed understanding of the model, and (iii) complementary information such as measurements or observations. The unreflected communication of model results may lead to unwanted consequences. The authors highly appreciate critics or suggestions, but they refuse any responsibility for any adverse consequences emanating from the use of r.avaflow.

Please cite this site and its content as: Please cite this site and its content as: Mergili, M., Pudasaini, S.P., 2014-2024. r.avaflow - The mass flow simulation tool. https://www.avaflow.org